Friday, August 15, 2008

Oh What a Beautiful Morning! Evening! and Day! Now that my house smells like Heaven!

Here is a completely cool product that every home needs. Here is a link to my best friend, Laurel's website with Scentsy.

Laurel just happened to receive one of these wonderful wax warmers from a friend and now we are all hooked on a good thing.

Here is her introduction:

Whew!! I have gotten frustrated with the other candles and they lose the ability to 'hold the smell', you know what I mean? Well, these Scentsy candles are fabulous!! And they look nice and are safe for those little young curious people, like I have in the home, that wants to put their little chubby fingers into EVERYTHING!!
Please feel free to contact me anytime!!

Se Habla Espanol tambien! Pues, yo creo que recuerdo como hablar en esta idioma!! No estoy practicandolo mucho....entonces llamame para que por lo menos puedo hablar con alguien!! haha

Okay, back to me. My favorite scent is: Lemon Lavender. That scent can break through even the most pungent of cat box smells... you know what I mean. I brought a bottle of the Room Spray and sprayed it one time in the office... when people walk in, they always say... OH! What smells so good?!?!?

And just when you think the warmers are going to be tiny, cute little mini warmers... you are wrong! These things are very sturdy, quite large... plugged in with NO FLAME! Basically you pick out a warmer that matches your style or your fancy and then don't worry about what color the wax is that you use... it doesn't matter. Your house, office or art studio will smell like Heaven! I promise! Click HERE to go to her website, you can order directly from the web... they pack things well for shipping including ice pack and cooler bag duirng the warm months to protect your wax bricks.

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